All the Important Things You Must Know About Bread Flour

Bread flour is the most common type of flour found in the world. It is more common than all other types of flours combined—and it’s so good at doing what it does best! The best strong flour has a higher proportion of protein, which makes it better at holding shape during baking and keeping its structure while you’re eating it. It also has a higher proportion of gluten, a protein found in wheat that gives bread its elasticity and texture. In this article, you will learn how to make homemade strong flour, which brands are the best, and which ones to avoid.

What Is Homemade Flour?

Homemade strong flour is just that: homemade. It is made by mixing your favorite store-bought flour with water or other liquids until you get the right consistency. The added liquids can be anything; water, milk, broth, or beer are common choices. The key to making homemade strong flour is to use a combination of flours that are relatively well-mixed. You can either use all-purpose flour or King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, but not something that is too coarse or coarser than what you would use. There are many brands of homemade strong flour available. You can select from brands that contain malted barley, sorghum, or rye, but the one we recommend is King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour. It is easy to cook with, has a great flavor, and is gluten-free.

What Kind of Flour It Is?

Strong flour can be made in a variety of different types, including brown, white, rye, and spelt. Brown strong flour was the original type used in Western Europe, and is still used there. White and rye flours are also commonly used, and spelt flour is gaining popularity. We recommend using King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour for the best homemade strong flour results.

There are subtle differences between store-bought and homemade strong flours that may affect the type you should use. The main difference is that store-bought flour has a higher protein percentage, while homemade strong flour has a higher gluten percentage. Additionally, the type of flour you use can affect your results in other ways. For example, if you use white strong flour in homemade strong flour recipes, you may get a nice, white crumb result, but your bread will contain darker corners and will not have the same elasticity as when using brown strong flour. While you can use any combination of the different types of flour in your homemade strong flour recipe, we recommend using brown and white together in order to get a fully baked product with a golden crust.

Homemade and Store-Bought Flour

When you make homemade bread flour, you are adding a lot of flavor and volume to your baked goods. Traditionally, homemade strong flour is mixed with water or milk, but you can also use brewed coffee or oatmeal to create a stronger flavor and texture in your baked goods. You can add your own special ingredients to create your favorite baked goods with homemade strong flour, including coffee granules, nuts, seeds, spices, herbs, and sesame seeds. You can also add extra ingredients such as applesauce, butter, or sugar to make these recipes even more delicious. Once you try these delicious additions, you’ll want to keep them in your regular baking rotation!

FAQs About Homemade Flour

Q: What is the best type of flour to use for homemade strong flour? 

A: Mayonnaise and water can make pretty good strong flours, but we like to use our own special ingredients, such as coffee and sesame seeds.

Q: What should I watch out for when using store-bought strong flour? 

A: Watch out for added tourmaline in store-bought strong flour. It is found in the cornstarch and can be an irritant to the skin and taste buds. 

Q: What should I watch out for when using homemade strong flour? 

A: You will likely taste a difference when using homemade strong flour. The lack of acid in the homemade version of this flour makes for a richer flavor, which can be apparent in recipes that use it often.